Matt secured the communicator, considering whether Captain Reyes’ words were completely straightforward without deceit. He decided that she most likely was being forthright, at least as far as possible given her circumstance. She had to be thinking primarily of the well-being of the colonists for which she held responsibility. He would act as if she spoke honestly, unless or until proven otherwise.
The first outward sign of that would be if she proceeded with the unloading of two of her cruisers. Then, he would have to be careful what response Captain Nasser made.
After notifying Carson and Jada that he’d need to re-schedule their meeting, Matt left his quarters and headed topside, returning salutes as he met others on the way. Once outside, he searched the dock area until he found Iggy unloading a fifth cruiser. The seaman saw Matt coming and turned to face his way as he approached.
“Iggy,” he said, noting that rather than saluting, the man simply smiled at him. Matt liked the man’s casualness, thinking it gave off an air of self-confidence.
“Yes, Captain.” Iggy waited.
“There’s been a change of plans. I spoke to Captain Reyes of the Balboa, and she has offered to send two of her cruisers with some of her men to go to the island with you. You will need to delay here until they are ready to…