C. L. Nichols, AuthorOutburst — a Medium Serial Story: episode 1The sunspots were getting bigger. Observatory officials watch massive solar flares head for earth. A paranoid living in a shack with an…Jul 30, 20242Jul 30, 20242
C. L. Nichols, AuthorOutburst — 2: Marvin & the UnexplainableSomething was going to happen. Marvin felt it racing with the blood through his body.Aug 3, 20241Aug 3, 20241
C. L. Nichols, AuthorOutburst — 3: A Vow For RevengeFluid from broken pimples oozed down Marvin’s face as, near tears, he anxiously adjusted the tuning knob.Aug 8, 20241Aug 8, 20241
C. L. Nichols, AuthorOutburst — 4: Jenny Sky Expects a PromotionJennifer Scyler knew what she wanted and went after it with a sense of purpose bordering on obsession.Aug 16, 2024Aug 16, 2024
C. L. Nichols, AuthorOutburst — 5: Fitch’s Dream“Where are you taking me, Fitch?” Just before the dream ended, he looked ahead in time to watch the sun explode.Aug 21, 20242Aug 21, 20242
C. L. Nichols, AuthorOutburst — 6: Ellie’s PresserEleanor Carruthers peered through harsh spotlights at people gathered before her.Aug 30, 2024Aug 30, 2024
C. L. Nichols, AuthorOutburst — 7: A Storm is ComingThe largest geomagnetic storm on record was known as the Carrington Event. It occurred in September 1859, starting numerous fires and…Sep 4, 20241Sep 4, 20241
C. L. Nichols, AuthorOutburst — 8: Marvin’s Journey BeginsMarvin packed everything he needed into the truck bed of his old Nissan pickup, walked back into his shack for one last look around.Sep 9, 2024Sep 9, 2024
C. L. Nichols, AuthorOutburst — 9: Jenny Sky & Fitch Prepare a JourneyAt home that night, when she looked out the living room’s bay window at the hypnotic rhythms of the aurora borealis, she was mesmerized by…Sep 18, 20241Sep 18, 20241
C. L. Nichols, AuthorOutburst — 10: W.T.S.H.T.F.Danny Aaronson studied the charts spread across his desk, wonder becoming awe.Sep 28, 2024Sep 28, 2024
C. L. Nichols, AuthorOutburst — 11: Darkness AboundsIn scattered places across the globe, electrical grids began to fail.Oct 7, 20241Oct 7, 20241