InSpeculative EncountersbyC. L. Nichols, AuthorCanoes & Catacombs — episode 1The group of five lifelong Seattle residents go on a five-day canoe journey up the Mountain River in the Canadian Mackenzie Mountains.Apr 24, 2024Apr 24, 2024
C. L. Nichols, AuthorCanoes & Catacombs — episode 2Trace and Bobby found a deadfall of branches and brush to one side of the campsite, beside the nearest stand of pines. With little effort…Apr 26, 2024Apr 26, 2024
InSpeculative EncountersbyC. L. Nichols, AuthorCanoes & Catacombs — episode 3After some discussion about their journey so far, everyone seemed to quiet down and relax in the warm glow of the outside campfire…May 3, 2024May 3, 2024
C. L. Nichols, AuthorCanoes & Catacombs — 4: The Long ShotAfter removing any unnecessary items from their backpacks and placing them in small piles on one side of the cave entrance, everyone…May 6, 2024May 6, 2024
C. L. Nichols, AuthorCanoes & Catacombs — 5: Hole in the WallThe first two tunnels they attempted were no good. After a half-hour traveling each, moving perhaps a little quicker than when they found…May 16, 2024May 16, 2024
C. L. Nichols, AuthorCanoes & Catacombs — 6: The Way Back OutWhen they arrived back at the cavern, there was only one tunnel untagged by one of Trace’s markers. That must be the one that led back to…May 26, 20241May 26, 20241
C. L. Nichols, AuthorCanoes & Catacombs — 8: A Smoldering VolcanoIn the morning, Trace awakened to find Becky standing, looking out the cave. He lay upon the sleeping bag, his body pressed fully against…Jun 8, 2024Jun 8, 2024