Member-only story
Outburst — 6: Ellie’s Presser
Eleanor Carruthers peered through harsh spotlights at people gathered before her.
Eleanor Carruthers peered through harsh spotlights at people gathered before her. Journalists leaned forward, pencils poised over pads. Reporters checked their make-up one final time, technicians standing behind the alien residence of cameras.
“Good morning.” Looking into sleepy eyes, she tried to gauge their level of irritability. “As you know, citizens everywhere want to know why our night skies are becoming so colorful. Government switchboards across the country have been swamped. I’ve personally watched and read as both misinformation and disinformation have been spread.”
Agitated by her last remark, the crowd shifted in their seats. One man puffed his cheeks and stood.
“Ms. Carruthers, you’re not implying we deliberately distribute erroneous information? As you know, we merely pass along whatever tidbits of wisdom you people tell us.”
Mutters and nods accompanied the reporter’s words. Although Ellie thought his comments tiresomely unoriginal, she nodded along with them, then spoke soothingly.
“I understand, Mr. Sayles. And you do a remarkable job at the Post. I didn’t mean you…