In this new post-apocalyptic dystopian world, Earth’s remnants battle whatever came down in the comet as an invasion force. Survivors face obstacles, and groups form (some attempt to regain civilization, others have a more sinister intent).
The golden orb dissected the night, its bright tail gashing the sky. Bobby Kent stood outside and looked up, an arm around Kyra Wentworth.
They say it’ll miss us by hundreds of miles.” A nervous shudder belied her quiet voice.
“Probably.” Bobby tightened his grip, drawing her against him. “Sure looks nearer than that, don’t it?” He glanced down the street. Everyone was out to view the once-per-millennium event. So they’d been told, anyway.
A comet up close. Closer than he was comfortable with, that was for sure. In a few weeks, it’d be just another glittering speck as it faded from glory. At least, that’s what they said.
The ball of light ballooned, puffing larger. A trick of the atmosphere, he thought.
“What’s happening?” Clearly rattled, Kyra stared up in confusion. “Something’s not right.”