Member-only story
Schizogenesis [chapter 29]
As the storm raged, Dave put the station wagon in gear and tapped the gas to get it moving on the dirt and gravel turnaround. The big car suddenly swerved. Dave fought to steer away from the back of the dilapidated farmhouse.
“Watch out!” Ed cried as the car shifted away from the house. It headed toward the Crown Vic that Minton abandoned. Dave twisted the wheel back and forth, narrowly missing the unmarked cop car.
“Tina would kill me if I wrecked her wagon,” Dave said as he maneuvered down the long drive that angled toward the blacktop.
“Slow down a little, Dave,” Dora said. “This wind is picking up.”
“Okay,” Dave said. “This is the worst I’ve seen for awhile.” In the rear view, he saw Mia hiding under Ming’s arm, peeking out with big eyes.
“Yeah,” Ed said, “we don’t want anything to come loose.”
Dave tapped the brakes.
As if on cue, the machine began to slide over the windshield.
Mia screamed and threw her arms out in front of her. A green, luminous glow was emitted into the air from her hands. Wispy tendrils thickened then like intelligent smoke moved toward the machine, wrapped around it and moved it back on top of the station wagon. Dave slowly stopped the vehicle. Everyone except Ming stared in amazement at Mia.