Member-only story
Schizogenesis [chapter 36]
As Ming, the professor, and Gen were entering the living room where Ming had been sitting under the lamplight, the lights overhead came on and Mia came running down the stairs.
“Mia?” Ming cried out as the young Asian boy stepped past her at the foot of the stairs.
“Mia,” he whispered.
As Mia landed in front of Gen, nose to nose, they gazed into one another’s eyes, Mia looking so delicate and fragile and Gen with an air of confidence to rival most men.
Mia reached to lightly stroke Gen’s cheek with the back of her hand. He took her hand in his. Unknown to Ming and the professor, they began to speak telepathically.
It was you! Mia thought and Gen heard. All this time, I thought I was talking to an imaginary friend. You were my strength.
And you, my comfort, Gen thought back to his new-found sister.
Ming stepped over and put her hand on Mia’s shoulder then on Gen’s.
“Is everything okay?” she asked, looking from child to child.
“Oh yes, Mother,” they said in unison then laughed and smiled at one another.
“We need to talk,” Mia said. “We’ll be upstairs.”
“Better make it quick,” the professor said. “I’ll speak with your mother while you two get…