Member-only story
The Gnashing — 2: Vibrations
A Story of the Shadows & the Devourer
Melanie’s eyes opened in the dark. She lay there for a moment, wondering if the noise had been in her sleep or in reality. She listened, heard the low gnashing far in the background that might be some ear problem not yet diagnosed. She believed that not to be a fact, since she’d only heard the faint grumble at home, never at work or anywhere else. If so, then what in the world could make that noise? The last few days, it had almost dipped below her hearing range, so she only became aware if she really listened. Now, it had slightly increased in volume. Is that what had caused her to wake?
She slid from the bed and took a robe from a chair next to her bed to cover her thin gown. Leaving the lights off, she walked into the living room. The sound was a little more noticeable there. At the front door, she pressed an ear against the wood. The growl didn’t originate from outside.
Melanie walked into the bathroom, sat and listened intently. Finished, she flushed and re-entered the living room. The sound was definitely louder there. She sank to the floor, lay there and pressed her palms then her ear to the floor. The top of the two-story duplex rental was hers. The bottom apartment was unleased at the present. There was a sign outside advertising it, but Melanie had yet to see anyone…